Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Tonight was life group, which for those of you who don't know is when a group of people meet every week at one anothers houses and basically try and grow together...share the burdens, iron sharpens iron.

So when we have group at my house, I always make dessert. Usually brownies. Well, I was really hungry earlier and was thinking about one of my favorite candies, Raisinets...and I got to thinking - I should mix things up a little. I should try to rock the boat, stir the pot...I should put raisins in my brownies! Yes! It'll be just like eating Raisinets or eating a Chunky Bar!

So I did it.

And I didn't tell the group.

Because I was afraid they wouldn't try them.

So everyone shows up and are heading for the brownies. I start thinking...maybe this wasn't a such a grand idea. Maybe I shouldn't have risked what is our ONLY dessert tonight to try something new. What if they don't like them? What if they spit them out? What if they think I'm a bad baker? What if I am a bad baker? But, hey, I was in I figured let's ride this baby out and see how it ends up. After all, what has anyone ever done that is memorable without a risk? God always calls us to risk a little, or sometimes a lot, in order to gain something eternal.
I'm not saying my brownies are eternal...but I'm trying to maximize on a teachable moment here, so just go with me. Moses risked family and freedom, Noah risked dignity, Abraham and Sarah risked their entire way of life, and Esther risked her very life. What have I ever risked? Not a lot. Definitely not enough.
So, heck, I can risk a few raisin brownies being spit across the kitchen.

Here we go! I won't say anything. I'll just let them discover the raisin morsels on their own.

And they did.

1 comment:

  1. So, how long did it take you to clean up all the raisin brownie spittal?
