Sunday, September 20, 2009


So - apparently I'm a horrible multitasker. I can't have a full-time job AND blog at the same time. I think the problem really is that I'm mentally brain-dead by the end of the day. I mean, I wasn't this tired when I was going to college full time, raising a baby, and taking care of a house! I've always thought of myself as the ultimate multitasker! Really!! As I sit here blogging right now, I'm eating ribs, facebooking my mom, watching an online episode of Eureka, texting MM #1's sister, and handing my son an ice cream! How's that for multi-tasking? Boo-Yaw!
Unfortunately, as the sun sets this evening and the Monday morning light Dr.Jekyll will arise in my stead...this woman is not as organized as me. She's walks quickly, mumbling to herself, she has post-it notes stuck to her shoes and shirts, she has pen marks on her hands, a twitch in her eye, and a voice that is annoyingly higher-pitched than mine. She has an inability to teach all day and blog by night. I'm working on a cure..but I only have the weekend to do so. It's not enough time!!!!

These ribs are GOOD!

If I am able to emerge from my weekday state of mind...I will blog. I can feel it beginning. I will do better! I WILL!






Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No Pain no Gain

So...Amanda and I decided this past weekend that it would be a great idea to subject ourselves to a 3 hour Zumba class. No pain no gain, right? Well, we were definitely in pain for 3 hours....and now we have gained an entire week of more pain in the form of backaches, charlie horses, really sore calves, knotted up shoulders, etc, etc, etc.

Yep. We gained alright. : ) We also gained a little confidence, seeing as how we made it through that many hours. We gained the right to pig out a little at dinner, seeing as how we burned almost 3,000 calories. We gained a little tighter friendship...seeing as how we had to keep each other from death on the Zumba floor. Thank goodness Amanda thought to bring the blood sugar was pretty low at one point. Yeah, I've heard it said after near death experiences with someone...there is a special bond. Well, let's just say that Amanda and I bonded.

Even MM#1 and MM#2 came for a little bit to try it out. They didn't stay long, though. But they sure were cute trying to Zumba.